About Me About Me My name is Rosie. Some of you might know me from my Instagram account @feedingarlo. I am Arlo’s (very proud) Mummy, a qualified teacher with a Masters degree in Education, a published children’s book author and now a qualified holistic sleep coach for little ones. I worked in the charity sector in global development and education before realising that supporting families is my calling!I grew up in the Lake District in the North West of England, and now live just outside of the region with my beautiful son Arlo, my partner, my very big dog… and with another little one on the way!I knew nothing about baby sleep before I had my little one- I had never even heard the term ‘wake window!’ I thought babies just slept when they were tired and that was that. I didn’t even consider the fact that my little one might not sleep independently, I genuinely thought all babies slept in cots… I soon learnt otherwise! The first week after having Arlo, I slept for 6 hours. In the entire week. He would not sleep anywhere but on/ right next to me and nobody had spoken to me about co-sleeping, other than telling me not to do it. I got to the point that I was hallucinating and I knew things were not safe. Luckily, a lovely friend had messaged me some advice about safe co-sleeping, knowing what I was going through, and it truly saved me. It was 4am and I threw the duvet off, got into the ‘safe C’ position and co-slept… we slept for 4 hours and I was a new woman!After experiencing how restful and bonding that co-sleeping is, I had extremely strong instincts to keep Arlo close – this included bed-sharing and contact napping, but I quickly learnt that there is a HUGE amount of pressure to stop this and get little’s sleeping independently. I remember going to a work social event when Arlo was 10 weeks old and an older lady being horrified that I still had Arlo in my room, let alone my bed. She said with her 4 children she gave them until 6 weeks and after that, they were in their own rooms from 7-7 come what may. I often got puzzled or judgemental looks from other Mums when I said that we contact napped and co-slept. I fought through this noise and followed my instincts, and feel very strongly that I need to help other parents do this too, in a way that feels sustainable.I strongly feel that sleep solutions should feel manageable and sustainable. I adored co-sleeping and contact napping, but I got to the point where it wasn’t working anymore and decided to make a change. I know the pressure to sleep train is ginormous, I know you might feel like there is no other way to get the rest you desperately need or to make the changes that you want to make- I am here to tell you that there is another way. We will find a gentle, effective solution that gets you the sleep you need, but doesn’t go against all of your parental instincts.I will never tell you to not respond to your little one. I will never tell you to leave your little one crying. We will work together to review your routine, search for any red flags and implement gentle but effective strategies that will make a difference to your little one’s sleep. More importantly, I am here to support you. I know the strain that sleep deprivation has on your physical health, mental health and relationships and I know how it feels to be absolutely desperate for a stretch of sleep. Together we can get there. You can book a free 15 minute discovery call with me to see if I’m the right fit for your family. You can also purchase a support package and get your journey to better sleep started. Why Wait? Book a Discovery Call now ... Book a free 15-minute discovery call with me to see if I am the right fit to support your family. MORE INFORMATION